I've been perusing the course schedule for next semester, and I must say I'm disappointed. As an undergraduate, I went to a fairly liberal school with few course requirements --- even classes for my major were chosen based on whether or not they'd teach me things I wanted to know, rather than selected off a list of required courses. Here at my new university, however, I've found a much greater emphasis on classes that fulfill requirements. I've managed to take one or two classes here that were chosen for my intellectual satisfaction, but the majority of courses I'm going to take are simply meant to cover the bases in order to meet the standards set for graduation.
It looks like this next semester is going to have more such courses --- classes in areas I find tedious, boring, or difficult, that rely on strengths in the field that I don't have. I recognize that these requirements are meant to ensure that we develop as well-balanced scientists, and that I should be happy with the opportunity to challenge myself and improve my skills in my weak areas. Still, it's hard to get excited about taking a class that focuses on exactly the part of the field I find most difficult (and don't intend to use in the future), just because I need to meet some departmental standard.
The converse is also a problem: There are plenty of classes that sound interesting that I won't take, because I've already filled the quota for their "type" and I can't justify taking more courses than I need when I should be doing research. Also in that category are classes that fall outside my department but that still hold interest to me. Departmental course requirements are making it hard for me to be interdisciplinary, a high priority for my research.
I know there's nothing I can do to fight this one --- I have to meet the requirements in order to graduate, and I don't think I can cause the requirements to change in the next few years. Sadly, this will mean that my course load is more painful and less interesting than it could be. I'm going to get over this by reminding myself that my research is what's important, and that's the part of my world here I can control. I'll still do interdisciplinary research, I'll still read papers in areas outside my field, and I'll still avoid those parts of my science that I dislike. Just as soon as I pass next semester's classes.
6 years ago
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